Monday, 17 October 2016

Extension Task-
1- Choose from two extracts from different eras (e.g. one from the 1940s and one from 1990s) and analyse the cinematography
what are the key differences?

From the first extract we can see that the major difference is the colour. The first one is in black and white whilst the second is in colour. The first one uses more medium or close up shots due to the quality of the cameras back then. However the second does the same but in more of an advanced way. This shown when the character looks straight into the computer and can see the reflection of his face upon it. The first one uses different areas whereas the second is based in one room. There is a difference in the way the clips have been filmed due to the intensity of the scene compared to the more relaxed.

Part 2 -

This film still taken from James bond is a medium close up shot focused in the mean determined loom of the character. It has an effect as we can we see what the character is doing with hands and yet see the close look on his facial expressions.

This film still includes an over the shoulder angle. We can see this as we see the back of one character yet the front of the opposing one. it gives an effect as it only wants to show focus on one character who is probably the main.

This shot on Liam Neeson is a clsoe up shot mainly focusing on the eyes and the battle scars of the character all over his face. It has an effect as it shows what he has been through yet still has the eyes of a fighter and that he is not weakened yet.

This 1st person shot of a war movie brings you into life. It makes you feel like you are the character so it makes the scene more intense as it is a war scene. It puts you in the shoes of the actor.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for sharing a good analysis. This is really helpful for writing my coursework that I am writing on film industry. Dissertation writing service
